COMPARATIVES in -ее, -ей and -е

The comparative suffix is -ее whose final vowel is unstressable. Sometimes this suffix is simply -ей and after hushers the comparative suffix is -e, also not stressable.

1) if the stem is made up of two or more syllables (not counting the prefix по-( stress is default: it falls on the stem final syllable:

интереснее more interesting

привольней freer

заранее earlier

major exceptions:

веселе́й cheerier

2) if the stem is made up of one syllable or two syllables where the first syllable is по-, then stress falls on the comparative suffix if it is stressable. If it is unstressable, i.e. the suffix -e, then stress falls on the stem final vowel:

светлей lighter

скорее quicker

поскорей quicker

посложней a bit more complex

громче louder

Since stress is predictable in comparatives according to the number of syllables in the stem, we will only mark the exceptions.