Partial Default Stress in FEM NOUNS

Some feminine nouns have stress on different syllables depending on case and number:

1) Some nouns in -a have exceptional stress on the ending in some cases, but default stress in other cases. For example, игра has end stress in the singular but default in the plural:

singular: игра, игру, игре, etc

plural: игры, играх, играм, etc

Other feminine -a nouns have a mix. For example, рука has exceptional end stress in all forms but the acc sg and nom pl:

рука, руке, руку, etc

руки, руках, руками, etc

We mark the exceptional forms in orange for the first ten times they are encountered. These forms just have to be learned.

2) Most feminine nouns in -ь have default stress: stress falls on the final stressable vowel of the stem. However a few frequently encountered -ь nouns have initial stress (stress on the first vowel of the word) throughout the sg and in the nom pl, but exceptional end stress in the oblique plural. For example, лошадь has initial stress in the sg but stress falls on the ending in the gen pl and beyond:

singular: лошадь, лошади, лошадью

plural: лошади, лошадей, лошадях, etc

Though these -ь nouns have exceptional stress, they are mostly predictable from their form (fem -ь nouns) and so we will only mark the exceptional plural forms.

Unfortunately PDS nouns are often encountered, but happily there are not so many of them.