Personal pronouns and negative pronouns

Stress falls on the final vowel in all cases:

я, меня, etc.

ты, тебя, тобой, etc.

мы, нас, etc.

она, её, etc.

он, оно, его, etc.

себя, собой, etc.

сам, сама, самом, самому etc.

кто, кого, кому, etc.

никто, никого, etc.

ничто, ничего, etc.

Since the stress is predictable from the form of these words, we will not mark them in the text. Thus, if it's a personal, reflexive or negative pronoun, just stress the last vowel.

Exceptions: the instrumental plural нами, вами, ими, с ними, and самими where stress falls on the first vowel of the ending. These will be treated as true exceptions and marked the first 10 times encountered and then only occassionally thereafter as a reminder.